Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Going Political Today

As many have heard, today is Tea Party Day. Gatherings will take place across the country today basically saying no taxation without representation. To me it is to say, "hey, we don't like many of these changes that are happening without votes - such as a $4,700 pay increase for Congress when for many of us our financial future is currently hanging in the balances."

I have many thoughts running through my mind in regards to all this, so I will try to make sense of it as best I can.

I am not much of an activist, I like peaceful actions. Not into name calling or threats. But I think sharing and voting are musts.

Somehow I started receiving emails from an Adam Bitely. I have read a few and thought the perspectives were something to definitely consider. The articles are written from an extremely conservative view - a little further right than I am, even though I am conservative.

I was going to post an email that I received last night, that on the surface disturbed me greatly. But I did go read the link to the government report and wondered if the post did not slightly exaggerate what was really being said.

The link to the report and possible government response is here (this contains the post and the link to the report- towards the bottom). I think it is good to read and research reports and issues ourselves and not just go on someone elses perspective. I took this report to be concerned, not with conservative views in general - but violent groups pushing their perspective using dangerous means (how did you take it? Should anyone with a differing opinion be concerned or is it addressing the violent groups only?).

I have views differing from our President. I have views sometimes differing from our state congressmen. I probably have views that might not be exactly like my husbands. But I am not in a militia, nor do I plan to be, or any other violent group. That is wrong in my opinion. I do not hate or judge others based on heritage, gender or race. I think that we, as Americans should voice our "opinion" on items related to our country such as taxes, laws, who represents us, but I think we should keep some lines drawn. We need to stay aware, but not let it consume our very being and calling, unless of course, politics is your calling.

It is important. It is important though not to jump to quickly without educated opinions. I think there are many instances where laws have been passed that citizens have wanted as a result of hurt and pain, but we fail to see the bigger picture at that time. What are we setting up? Do we want the government to direct our every decision? We have to be careful! Every change that is made that takes us further from the original constitution takes us closer to a way of life we may not really want. There is a country that has nationalized healthcare. On the surface that sounds great! But they still pay - they just don't write the check, the government gets it in taxes. Because it is nationalized the government dictates other issues that can be realted to ones health - such as tanning beds are illegal in this country. For me, not a big deal - I think they are unsafe and do not use them. A personal decision. My health, my responsibility. That is just one very small point in all the bigger issues that abound and are at stake.

I guess my point is, how much government do we want in our daily lives? Do we need to have government dictate where we go, what we do, what we think and what our opinion is across the board because some do not take personal responsibility for their actions? Where is accountability? Do we want to become drones of the state?

But also, how do we get the real facts, not exaggerated information put out to instill fear to create action. All sides are spinning their tales. I prefer my world not to be made up of so much drama. I prefer the Golden Rule over all of it, and even greater than that God's command to love one another.

Which is where all these thoughts ended this morning, whether we live in a democratic republic, a country based on socialism, or even communism, isn't God suppose to be our ultimate focus? And in the end God is in control. He is who I ultimately follow, whether he leads me to stand up at Tea Party, attend church services or take time to spend some special time with family or feed a hungry family, that is where my utmost loyalty stands.

As the radio button was pushed, I was blessed with a song just beginning, and that is how I will end this jumbled up post of thoughts . . .


Jan said...

I thought the same things today. I saw her thoughts and I was just saying what a thing right before the tax day rallies. We are a "peaceful" assemble. It is our right. I have seen some extreme left action. Think France recently. I don't know what to think about this report at all. It really frightens me because this is like you have to conform to a regime almost. I don't like the feel in the country right now. I will always place my trust in God, but I will still stand up and voice no matter because I believe this country was found on goodness and principles and values.


Anonymous said...

Definitely with you on peaceful action. I'm not political at all but I do have an opinion, not that in many cases it matters with our dictating government.

CJ xx

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Lialani: I guess a tea party is a fitting protest as long as you don't drink the tea. You have to throw the tea into the ocean.

larkswing said...

lol! That is true - hmmm, that is one way to get a trip to the beach!

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Lailani, I'm with you! Peaceful! But I am concerned...and support protests! Great thoughts today!

Operaton You said...

Thanks for going political today! Someone needs too.. (smile).. I must say I'm not concerned. frightened or fearful of anything. Right, left, up or down.. What we focus on, we give that very thing to what we all are and that is energy. And since no-thing cannot live without space (silence, stillness, peace), I hope that I give energy to the, again, very thing that we all can feel and accept and that is the vastness of space. That's God!

Operaton You said...

P.S. With acceptance, comes peace...

Gayle said...

Lailani, I am right there with you.

Teri said...

Tax day is never my favorite day. I am always a bit stressed till we get all that taken care every year. Thank goodness we did them months ago.

And I wish I could opt out of some of the government that gets thrust upon us all the time.

Tara said...

this is one of my most favorite songs!!! i didn't know it was in YouTube form!! thanks for sharing

Bonnie said...

Hi, this is Bonnie again - Debbie's friend. One of the tea parties took place in the down area I'm from yesterday. Thank you for sharing the video.