He is fast!
But I got him today!
Camouflaged as he may be
and a second one on another branch...
See her now?
She sat and watched as the gentleman primped and fluffled
I have never seen a hummingbird sit this long, let alone cleaning his feathers
As soon as he finished she dashed around and they resumed a game of tag they had been playing.

I think hummingbirds are beautiful...there are quite a few here in Brasil that are easily seen. They stop often...much more oftent han I ever realized!
Gorgeous Lailani - Congrats!
Awesome! Isn't it great when you achieve a goal! My guy loves hummingbirds! Beautiful pictures!
I like to watch the hummingbirds. I can sit on my porch and watch them fight. There's always the bully. I saw a baby about a week ago. Too tiny for the feeder but visited the flowers.
Your elusive hummingbirds are so pretty and how well they are camoflauged!
It's only 84 degrees here today ~ not nearly as warm ~ but I'd still like some snow (in ref. to my blog post a while back). Shall I send some your way when it finally does come down? :)
Wow! That is very cool! Good job capturing them!
Great camera work! I love those little fellas! I could sit and watch them for hours!
Oh aren't they tricky little things.. difficult to capture - unless of course they're capturing our hearts. Lovely shots of your little humming beauty.
Yea! What a beauty! I love watching them, and I think they rather like us too. Have you ever seen the hummingbird videos on you tube???
Happy weekend!
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