Monday, April 19, 2010

It survived

We iced the tree in January.

Felt certain that we had let too much ice build on the branches.

And then spring has sprung, the bare tree actually showed it's color!

and bloomed happily!


Ballerina Girl said...

What a pretty tree...glad to see that the ice didn't break it down!


Maggie May said...

I am so pleased that your pretty tree survived the frost.
I have been looking at the damage in my own garden & I have lost some lovely shrubs/trees through the hard winter.

Love your photos.

Nuts in May

Gayle said...

I'm glad it survived. I love it's blooms!

Teri said...

What a beautiful tree. Did you ice it on purpose?

Greg C said...

The ice actually protects it from getting colder. Is that a pear tree? If so it is amazing that the branches didn't snap. I love the photos.

Hilary said...

They're quite the survivors, aren't they? Gotta love the strength of trees.