Friday, January 30, 2009

Photo Phun Phriday and "The Mom That Cried Snow"

Playing with Carrie today . . .

Photo Phun can be . . . .

Phinding photos phunny kids took when playing with the camera . . .

( Not his best shot - being Mr. Serious, I bet he left it off his Facebook page)

So this morning the weatherman comes on and gives the forecast:

1. Chilly today, high 50's maybe (I did not listen too closely)

2. Saturday, lows 20 and highs maybe mid 40's, definitely chilly though (I did not listen too closely)

3. Sunday, Superbowl weather, nice, clear skys, could not tell you (I did not listen too closely)

4. Sunday night into Monday morning, the moisture comes in and there lies our chance of

S . N . O . W .
Now I am a listening.

Snow people . . . in South Georgia, that is cool. Ok, it won't be probably more than flurries, but I don't care . . .

So it is time to take the boys to school. I jokingly say "I guess you should go today since Monday might be a snow day..."

No response. No indication that I was even heard.

In the car on our way to the first school stop.

I say "The weather man said it will be sunny Sunday for Superbowl and then the clouds move in and gives us a chance for snow Sunday night Monday morning"

Demolition D "No way, he said that . . ."

Me "yes way, he did say that"
Demoliton D "really?? he said that . . . "

I guess I am the mom that cries snow too often!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

God is Good . . .

So very good . . . cause in His time it all comes together.

As I tumbled this morning into one bodacious cry fest . . . I mean pitiful, gut wrenching, splotchy faced, red nosed, would you just get a hold of yourself girl! kinda cry… I hope He looked down from on High . . . and, I hope, with a smile and a shake of His head, he just thought what a silly one! Knowing that needs were to be met!

Why is it so hard and such a struggle at times to stand on faith and be patient? Do you struggle with this? What do you do when you just can't muster up more than a mustard seed?

Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Luke 12-7

(ah shucks, go away tear!!)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

PG-13 Warning . . .

. . . . even though it is from a PG-12 world.

The difference in the life of kids now and life when I was a kid amazes me.

Last night I had The Man at Scouts. While the local Garden Club ladies were, unfortunately, boring this group of Scouts to death, one of the other mom’s and a couple of father’s and I were talking.

Nothing deep.


One dad mentioned boys getting interested in girls by the time they are 14 and then there goes Scouts. Too much competition. The mom says “what are you talking about? We are already there, and I don’t mean with my oldest, but with . . . (her 7th grader – 12 year old).

The mom proceeds, with a comfortable laugh, to tell us a tale from the recent Scout Ski Trip. She drove, with just her boys, in their own vehicle. She stopped at a convenient store to fill up and get something to drink.

When she gets back into the car, her sons are giggling in the backseat.

She says “what’s up?”

Boys “nothing”

Mom “I know better than that”

Boys “ok, since we talk about everything and weird stuff too … well the bathroom had a condom machine and we bought the assorted pack”

Me and one of the fathers: taken aback!!!

Mom “I told them, where do plan on using those? You are at an all boys event?”

Boy “You never know who you might run into! See, one has bumps, one is flavored, and one . . . “

I have no idea what the last one was because I was in a state of shock! Not that condom conversations have not come up with my kids, well one of them. Not because I am a prude. I actually have a dirty mind a lot of the time – but I control where and with whom that side shows.

I was in shock that basically she “seemed” to have been ok that her 12 year old was looking for the opportunity!! I was shocked that no moral lesson was administered. I was shocked more that she let them keep the above mentioned items and thought it was funny how big the pack made his wallet!

Then today, I was telling the college student, that works part time at the shop, about it. Her younger brother is in the 6th grade at the same school as The Man. And her mom makes her have the birds 'n bees conversations with him. He was telling her, the other day, things that kids are saying AND putting on their MySpace pages. Items related to alternative lifestyles, nd switching back and forth and so on. 6th Graders!!!! 6th graders contemplating that kind of lifestyle and experimenting?? Very disheartening.

I probably should not be. Demolition D came home with all kinds of announcements and questions at a much younger age, thanks to the public school transportation. Because of curiosities at such an early age, I resorted to something my mom would ask, just to keep up with what he was being exposed to. I remembered my mom asking me in probably 4th or 5th grade if I had heard anyone using the word “sex” or “sexy.” Sexy, yes, it was how they dressed; they dressed older-like than the rest of us. But at that time I had no inkling of what those words referred to. But it was a great way for my mom to screen and address what I was being exposed to without giving away too much.

As I said above, I incorporated this with Demolition D. He came home one day and asked “Mom, what is a prostitute?” Caught off guard, I asked where he had heard that word. “On the bus.” I told him we would talk about it later. I hit him, after a bit, with the question “do you hear kids talk about the word sex?” He said yes. I asked him what it was. “It is when a man and a women kiss.” That was it. Simple. No need for me to elaborate on that. Later when the first question came up again, I told him it was when a man paid a woman for a kiss. He was satisfied. Until he told his friend the next day what I had said and the friend told him I lied to him. He came home and accused me of lying to him. He was right. So I told him, I didn’t exactly lie, but it was when a man pays a woman for sex. I went ahead and said that because in his young mind, it was the same as the previous answer.

So I decided tonight would be a good time to find out what is being seen and heard and see what might need some further discussion. Time to casually bring up school and inch my way into who is dating whom and so on. It always works well. Once you get the boys talking, they give you more than you expect and it sure makes it easier.

I am happy to say, while The Man probably knows more at 12 than I did at that age, he is fairly innocent, especially compared to his peers. He shared that school is “full of drama” (with a sigh). People dating and breaking up and texting all the time (did you know word does not recognize texting as a word). I asked him what do kids do these days when dating. He said “talking, some kissing, and texting, mostly texting each other.” I dug just a little more and then reminded him he was a gentleman and the girls ladies (I hope), and he was to keep it that way, at least between him and girls.

I am blessed that he can be in world that is seething with immorality, and yet he seems not touched by it. I love that he attended the Created By God class at Church – learned so much, but did not let that aspect of life take over his thoughts. Maybe the fact that he is a video game junkie is not as bad of an interest as others around him. I love that he is still so naive and innocent in many ways. He is The Man!

Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.
Psalms 127:3

Whirling and Spinning . . .

. . . and bouncing and flipping and flopping and gliding and soaring

That is the state of my mind! It is not that I don't have anything to blog about, oh I have plenty. But it is all in a current state of disarray. Screaming like a banshee are tales of Demolition D and our driving escapades. Of the biggest commercialized dreaded Hallmark occasion approaching. Of how one can be flipping channels and happen upon an interview with Tyler Perry saying words of inspiration that just have to be for me. Of how Facebook lets you see some people do NOT grow up. How 80’s hair has had to be the worst in hair history! Of yummy meals. Of prizes received. Even maybe a tag.

Now if I could just pull that tangled up web of tales apart into at least one coherent post!

Friday, January 23, 2009

I was being stalked . . .

By the word of the year!!!

I started seeing these mentioned in post around the end of 2008. I thought “what a neat idea, a theme for the year …”

Not so quick. Picking a word for the year was harder than I would have thought. There are so many! Easy picks like peace, but, for me, that is tooooo beauty pageant sounding. Perseverance came to mind, but our family has come through so much fire the past several years, it did not seem appropriate. Too dark for this year in light of the past. And thankfully I saw it had been snatched up. Change came to mind. With Traveler graduating and moving on to her next niche in life, and with the economy and with the boys finishing another year of school, and, well there is always change! But I don’t really embrace change, at least not of late.

I decided it was too much pressure. So that was it. Not another thought going in that direction . . . but it kept showing up! Everyone is doing it!!! Peer pressure at its best . . .

The second week of January, we started a new book in the Sunday night Bible study group. The book is part of the Companions in Christ books and it is “The Way of Discernment.” I love that this book was picked!

This year there are plenty of decisions to be made. There is also, an inner struggle for me dealing with differences of perspective or interpretation that I cannot discuss with the loved one that I am having this with, and they don’t realize that I am wrangling with this (I don’t want to throw a wrench into things). I have a child that will be driving and working. This will lead to changes in the dynamics of our home, in his visits to his dads and with more opportunities for him to make decisions – choices between right and wrong. Many more weighty issues come to mind and some are quite heavy.

As I was studying this week’s lesson, I was overcome with joy with many of the scriptures and guidance it is offering. It spoke of the fruits of our Spirit and about turning the gaze inward to see if we are in fact, embracing and nurturing these gifts inside so that we may be able to outwardly share them. There was a quote, from around the time of World War II, found in a Swedish diplomat’s prayer journal “If only I may grow: firmer, simpler – quieter, warmer.” I liked that. I liked the character that represented. For me it represents God living in me and through me.

And while I was reading and absorbing all that was being said, the light bulb came on and blinded me. My word! What I need for this year. What I need, in order to give to others this year. What I need to feel stronger through the decisions and changes to come.


So folks, there you have it, that is my word.

Discernment, I will seek this gift of God so that I might be able to grow firmer, simpler, quieter and warmer. To share the love of God and live my life toward the goals he has for me. . .

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20

Photo Phun Phriday - Ready For Drip Castles and Waves

It has been a see-saw kind of week, but I wanted to play with Carrie today, so I gave in and started through my pictures.

And I realized something...

I am ready for a beach trip!!

Play in some waves . . . .

Make some drip castles

Catch some fish!

(A Cousin and The Man after a day of fishing)
Sigh . . .
Well, until then frolic in the fun of Candid Carries Phriday Phiesta!! Areeeeba!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys - Wordless Wednesday

"A boy's will is the wind's will,And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day

Today is a big day, so I am going to piece mill this post . . . in fact I am going to repost a post and mix some new with it. I like to mix things up once in awhile.

See, forty years ago today, Nixon was being inaugurated. Thirty-Two years ago, Jimmy Carter was being sworn in to the Presidency. 1981, we welcomed Ronald Reagan to lead this nation. The list, of course, goes on from there and had gone on before the mentioning of these leaders.

All this leads to the mix . . .

Birthdays . . . one of the ones I remember the most did not necessarily have a great ending . . . family did gather . . . crowds gathered, for that matter. . . I do not remember the gifts I received. . . But I do know there were speeches given . . . people cheered . . . there may have even been some tears.

My birthday is January 20th and the year was 1977.

The day started out wonderful. My grandmother was visiting from Nebraska (we lived in Colorado at the time, but did not get to see her very often). My mom had made my all time favorite breakfast – French toast. Now, I tended to like my French toast rather simple, butter was all I needed on top! But this being a special day, you know, my birthday and my grandmother was there. She talked me into venturing out a bit, and convinced me to try something new, maple syrup on my French toast! It was different, not necessarily bad, just new (hang with me, this is relevant).

So I gobble down my breakfast and then I was off to school.

A few hours later, I became sick. Sick to my stomach sick. My mom was called; I was picked and went home, thinking and believing, the maple syrup made me sick! And sad to say, I still, to this day, do not add maple syrup to my French toast, pancakes, nada! Nope, not going to happen . . .

But this is where the gathering begins . . .

We turned on the TV.

And we watched . . .

The countries 39th President – Jimmy Carter – be sworn in.

As I said, crowds were gathered, speeches were given, people cheered, and probably, some people shed some tears.

Four years later, we had moved to Georgia. On my birthday, I again, got out of school early. This time, not because I was sick, but to experience history taking place . . .

to see Jimmy Carter return to his hometown.

Well, and to hopefully see a cousin that was a pilot with the Air Force One Crew.

~ ~ ~ ~

I have recently found some really bad pictures from that day in 1981 . . .

It was rainy and cold, and as said above, I had been taken out of school early and we headed to Jimmy Carters hometown to see his return. We went to the feild where the helicopters were landing. My mom and brother are in the picture. We were hoping to see my cousin, who was one of the pilots during Carter's presidency. We did not - he stayed in Macon.

Aren't you glad there is a sign behind him to tell you he is president, umm, was?
We had managed to get to the front of the crowd, with just a rope separating us from the official party. I had had a great shot right before this one, but being 10, I was short. Being short meant that the lady behind me could easily bring her welcome home poster down in front of me right as there was a chance to get a picture of more than his arm!
So now here we are today. Another inauguration, and yes, for me another birthday. I did not get to ramble out to Texas to welcome President Bush home, instead, I will work and enjoy my family this evening. And even take in Deomolition D's B-Ball game.
But as I look back, I realize, even though my parents did not vote for Jimmy Carter, we took in the excitement of the hope as change in our country was taking place. And I believe the same is true today. Great hope and heartfelt prayers for guidance for our great Nation. . . for all of our leaders.
And prayer for grace as I pass this milestone, the big 40 and may it be as fun as I have heard some say (If you know otherwise, you don't have to share - let me find out for myself - hehe).

Monday, January 19, 2009

Do You See What I See . . .a bulb, a bulb - Odd Shot Monday

Christmas is over, but I still have a couple items out. Not because I forgot, I just was not ready to put them up yet. The apothecary jar filled with red and gold ornaments – it is just cheery.

Then I have a wonderful wooden bowl my mom gave me for Christmas. I had placed some greenery and mercury acorns in it.

It is as wintery as it is Christmasy (new word).

I laughed the other day as I passed by the table and noticed something odd:

Do you see it? The bowl now holds another mercury item in its collection.

A light bulb.

I cracked up – how did a light bulb get in there? It turns out it is still good. Hubby replaced it with a brighter bulb and did not have a box to place the forlorn bulb in. So he placed it with the acorns cushioned in the greenery, duh?

The Odd Shots is hosted by Katney. Visit her list for silly shots, serious shots and truly odd shots!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Photo Phinish - Snow Venture

Every winter my family, and those within ear shot, are subjected to my cry of "let it snow!!" As I have mentioned, I don't want to shovel or drive in it, just enough to play!

Last year around this time, my sweetie decided to give me the best birthday present imaginable.

Friday evening, he told me I needed to pack an overnight bag, that on Saturday, when I finished at work, he would pick me up. Exciting! He would not tell me more than that. Saturday came, I finished my day and off we set on this surprise journey.

After picking me up, he did tell me where we were going, he was taking me to snow!

The forecast showed a possibility of snow as far south as middle Georgia. He had checked out several places and had decided not to take a chance on Georgia snow and chosen a B&B in Highlands N.C.

About 90 miles out of town we came across the first signs of snow. Then there was more and more!

We exited the interestate to snap the first shot of our snow-venture.

North of Atlanta, almost to the state line, guess what? The S.N.O.W. was. gone! Poor Will was a little disappointed but we were looking forward to a night away.

As we approached the Georgia line the sun was setting. We crossed over into N.C. and started up the "mountain" in the dark. After a few miles I started to notice something. Through the dark, under the trees - white stuff. More snow! Yes!

We wound our way in the dark up the road. More snow. Some Ice. It was beautiful!

We arrived at the bed and breakfast, crunched through the snow to the warmth of the inn through sites straight out of Christmas song.

The next morning we were out early taking in the area and the snow!

And yes! Snow Angels are a must!

There was a park down the road from the B&B that we heard had a beautiful view. It was iced over, so no driving up the half mile road to the view. So we hoofed it, out of shape, but we made it. A half mile, up a steep incline, out of shape and on ice? Yes, even a meesly half mile whooped me (a flatlander). I have not fallen on ice in years, but what a trip back to a time long since passed.

The view was spectacular, the wind chill biting, the birthday gift - the best.

The man with the plan!
Sled on over to Carries for more photo phun!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pow Wow

Every year a local park host a Frontier Days on the second weekend of January. Over the years we have made it a point to go out and visit. My first time attending the event was in 2002, when Will was an adult leader with Ocho's scout troop who also participated in the event. The days of Ocho and scouts have passed, but we still go check it out.

In all honesty, I go for a different reason than the fellas. I have a friend whose husband, and kids and in-laws have participated in the event through the Royal Ambassadors programs with the Assembly of God churches for years. They moved "up state" quite a few years ago now, but still participate in this festival. With busy schedules this is an easy time meet up and catch up. They have the canvas tents, blankets, cookware and all the attire for the weekend.

Here is her husband
He had another outfit the day we were out there, she said he looked like a leprechaun with his hat, green jacket and socks and pointing moccasin shoes. She is planted in current time, now - I wish I could find the picture I have of Becca, her husband and oldest son when he was very young . . .of course she might not enjoy that! She stays in their camper while the guys stay in the tents. She says she's "been there, done that and has the t-shirt." But it is great to see the guys still dressing the part.

We almost missed this one this year. In previous years, small teepees are placed near hotels and main interesections in town about the week before the event. I think the lack of the tents is also a sign of the times - I am not sure the cost associated in setting up the tents, but I would bet that would explain the lack of visual reminders around town. I am so glad Becca sent me a message they would be there!

Many times the weekend is very cold - at least cold for this area! Not this year. It was quite mild and with that, there were many more vendors and canvas tents. Many travel around to these events, others participate from closer by, from nearby towns. Those with skills of an era gone by demonstrate for those of us that completely modern day.

Home made soaps are made, tools are demonstrated, sodas in good ol' glass bottles for sale. As we walked among the tents and vendors one lady demonstrated a type of dulcimer and I realized quickly she was playing the song sung at our wedding - "Tis A Gift To Be Simple." It was beatiful. Becca said they had fried pumpkin bread and hubby got an order with the fritters. It was wonderful!

So some pics of our world this past weekend . . .

Demolition D and Will and, not waiting for us, The Man (had to get to the hatchet throwing)

This fella was pretty interesting . . . as was his friend

You can see the tail of a fuzzy little creature in the picture above. The gentleman's friend was a Sugar Glider, a cute nocturnal creature from the land down under. The gentleman had the glider on a leash. As we watched the funny character, you could see it eagerly watching for the next thing to jump on. He managed to jump onto an unsuspecting child once, bless his heart, he screamed and jumped and laughed - the whole time the critter was running all around him.

I did take my turn at letting this cute creature glide across to me. It was a little creepy feeling having this fuzzy critter running around my back and over my shoulder, but he was too cute!

We later saw the gentleman without his friend. When Becca's daughter asked him about the Glider he said he was down for a nap.

Becca and her daughter left the frontier to the boys for a while and came home with us for a spontaneous dinner. When we returned to the park, it was after dark and there was a light drizzle. The sounds of the fires and the few instruments playing was soothing and transported you to a time I have never experienced. Under one of the pavillions, folks were gathered and trading items: blankets, hatchets, lanterns etc. They were having fun enjoying each others company and a world that is probably so far from their everyday lives.

As for next year? We will be there, not in dress, but we will stay in the "modern" campground adjacent to the festival. We will enjoy the sounds and smells and sites that those who love this time gone by so much, share with those of us with our feet firmly planted in the new millenium.

Happy Birthday Becca!!

Travel the world through pictures at That's My World Tuesday . . .

Odd Shots Monday - Blurry BBall

The Man had his first Church basketball game Friday night. Not only was it the first game, it was the first time anyone even knew who would be on the team! This might stress some, but our youth basketball teams do not practice. We no longer have a gym at our church. What use to be the gym is used for the contemporary worship service and Wednesday night service now.

Last year, as a member of the 6th grade team, Corbin played for the first time. They had a great time. They played teams with dad's as coaches that were driven to make their team the best. Their team to win. And guess what? Our church team won the season! Made it to the playoffs and then won the playoffs. It was wonderful. They had fun. They had a chance to be a team. And they experienced winning.

So now we are in a new season. Their first game was against a strong opponent. We played this team last year, and what can I say but they are fiesty and good, with driven fathers pushing, I mean guiding them in the sport.

I thought I would try to take some pictures. I was not sure the best way to take action shots, so I set my camera on, oh what do you call it - the action button that takes pictures fast. When looking at the pictures on the camera, I thought I might have some good ones. Once I viewed them on the computer - not so good. There are some decent ones of others children, but most of The Man are blurry.

But blurry was fun too. That top picture? Funny how it caught their arms in motion - looks like several arms. The second one, that is The Man, feet blurry, and hand blurry, all behind him blurry, but you can make him out!

Odd Shots hosted by Katney.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Cat's Meow - Part Two

The missing third picture stirred up curiosity. . . .

so, by request from Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee and Carrie - host of the Phriday Photo Phun, and feline lover ,

I give you . . .

a recap of picture #2 and the missing picture #3

Here kitty, kitty, kitty!

Ok Carrie - still friends?? hehe

Friday, January 9, 2009

Photo Phun Phriday - The Cat's Meow

My Mother In Law has had copies made of many of the old family photos. There are several of my husband's father, but this one, with that big smile is especially sweet.

Like anyone's life, there are many stories and facts that are told and some retold. Stories like the time he decided to add jalepeno peppers to the spaghetti for a pre-Christmas dinner. No one could eat it! But the laughs remain. I don't know if he was an animal person - as in liked dogs. But they do say he could not stand the old feline. Cats were not on his animal list to like.
There is no particular story associated with the above picture. That is until I noticed there were a couple other pictures taken at this same time in the same playpen, but with an addition.

A Cat!
Out of respect for the cat lover's, I will not post the third picture (this smiling one year old is holding the cat up by his head, it was not really cruel looking, the cats feet were on the ground)
This little one pulling the tail of a cat, a creature that as an adult, he could not tolerate. I wonder, was this a playful scene, a time fun? Or was it the first signs of disinclination to the feline world?
"As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time
well knows cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human kind". -
Cleveland Amory
Come on and party with Carrie and Friday Foto Finish . . . it's a lot of fun!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Then and Now

Then . . .

July 2005


January 3, 2009

Ask and Receive?

Isn’t it great when you know a prayer is answered? Even a simple one?
I have had a little much needed time off. But I was not looking forward to returning to the routine. I love what I do, but there is apprehension with not knowing what to expect. So not liking the feeling of being slightly overwhelmed with the what if thoughts, I prayed. Prayed that God would use me, that I would feel invigorated about work. And it worked. I got to work and jumped in in getting set up. I felt energized and cheerful.

I asked . . . I recieved . . .

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Now for not asking . . .

Then the snakes in my head woke up. Not about work, that part is still good. Traveler leaves back for school today. This holiday has been different from others due to the fact that we were the portal to World War Craft – online gaming, and we have internet, so she needed our home. We were in the presence of Traveler more than any other vacation/holiday. Granted, she was like The Man with his games, transfixed with the need to be only in the presence with the game itself. There was more interaction between the two of us, so that was a step in the right direction. Poor hubby has to deal with me wanting a friendly relationship and Traveler not being aware that there is any problem and being perfectly happy with things.

I had suggested last week that hubby take Traveler to lunch Friday, since she was leaving. That way they could have some “non-computer” time to chat. They did. We, hubby and me, had decided to take the boys to see a movie Friday night. I invited Traveler to go with us and she did. We had a really good time. While she was here, she made a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches on our little George Foreman. We were given a larger one for Christmas, so I offered for her to take it back to school. She is and she told her dad about it and was excited. She is vegetarian, so I sent two Loaded Baked Potato casseroles with her. Well sorta, she forgot them so we needed to get them to her today. She asked her dad to have lunch with her. I told him I would get them into a bag today and they could pick them up from me at the shop when they went to lunch.

Ok, so this is where the snakes come in. Inclusion – the state of being included. Somehow, this morning, in my mind, I decided they might invite me to join them. Many Tuesday’s I can’t leave for lunch, but today I could. Granted, hubby did not know that, but still, being invited, included would have been nice. So with all the aggravation and truly extreme differences in Traveler’s and my views, I still wanted to be included to feel accepted. Which I know if hubby read this would think is crazy! I also know that is rather narcissistic, but those were my thoughts, my desires.

So while one prayer was answered, I guess I forgot to continue to pray for the relationship between Traveler and me. I am sure come May, after graduation, we will have our next opportunity of togetherness. I don’t know what my prayer would be, except “Lord have Thine own way. . .”

Oral Fixations, Part II

Way back in the day, in the early days of this blog, way back in, well August, one of my early post was Oral Fixations. It was birthed by my frustrations with The Man and his chewing!

Yesterday, while the windows were open and the birds were chirping and I was refusing to go any shorter than capri work out pants (no shorts! It is still January!!), I was cleaning. Yes, spring cleaning, cuz I am going to be sitting on my rump while the rest of you are doing it in April! Just kidding, I'll have to do it again. Anyway, I digress, I did a little in The Man's room and thought I would update the unread post from back in the day.

See this assortment?

He had actually cleaned his room some over the weekend, so it is just a small one. See the empty box? 50 mechanical pencils were given at the beginning of school. How long should 50 mechanical pencils last? I mistakenly believed all year. I was wrong. I think the box was empty by Thanksgiving. He kept the box. Where are the pencils?
Well, see the small item to the right of the box?

That is part of one. He either plays mechanic with the mechanical pencils and takes them apart, or he chews on them!
Still contemplating the tongue stud!

Monday, January 5, 2009

My World

What a strange world my world is lately. It is January 6th. It is in the 70's. We need to be in shorts - but I refuse!

So here is a little peak into my world today . . .

Dead grass is everywhere. The pine trees are losing their brown needles. So brown and dull green abound. And in the midst of it I found color! My camellias are loaded with buds, and then this one lonely bloom! But not for long, within days this bush will be weighted down with beautiful flowers.

I found red

And purple

And I followed the wornderful sweet scent to the Tea Olive . . .

Between the warm temperatures and bright days, now the color that is starting to peep through there are tugs at the strings of spring fever. But I know nature will take it care of it and a cold snap should come through any day now . Until then, I will continue with spring cleaning. Yup, so when spring is really sprung - I can sit back and relax!

Visit That's My World Tuesday for a peak into sites around the world - My World Tuesday