Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Not a friend of math, or math not a friend of mine?

Much to my husband's head shaking, I don't have a math mind. He seems to think there is no such thing. But, I do not have a math mind. I do try not to draw to much attention to this in front of the kids - they really don't need any more excuses not to do school work. They know though, because I have to send them to Will with most their math homework questions (when they do homework - they are boys and are somehow morally against it).

If I had to go back and retake the College entrance exam, I would again be placed in learning support Algebra. There just isn't much retention, nor enjoyment. The closest to liking Algebra was when the problem was real long to begin with and the answer was only one or two digits - the end result looking like an upside down pyramid. That part I liked!

Today I received an email that cracked me up! And surely the teachers had to eventually laugh too . . .


FancyHorse said...

These were cute! I am mathematically challenged, too - since first grade arithmetic, and I shed many tears over algebra!

Maggie May said...

Those were really funny and lovely!

Here is another one who has cotton wool between the ears when it comes to maths.
There is something definitely lacking in my brain where maths is concerned. There must be a condition like dyslexia only with numbers and not words.
I am a word person!

Nuts in May

Sandi McBride said...

I would have to take, ahem, remedial Math 99...not even up to Remedial Math 101...but I've been reading since I'm 3...that must count for something! And I hate to say it, but one of my sons is just like me...I'll give you a hint which one...he's a Newspaper Editor, not the Computer Programmer...
Hugs to you and your non math brain...

Greg C said...

I love Math and always have. Those were some cute questions. My wife would have passed them to me though because she is like you. When I was in the 7th grade the teacher told us that a line that has a dimension is made up of a series of points and that a point has no dimensions. So I asked her how you could get something from nothing and she refused to call on me from then on. I guess you don't like boolean algebra either then. I love it.

Gayle said...

Oh, these are so funny! Thank you for the laugh today! I needed it.