Monday, June 3, 2013

Making Mud Holes

Making mud holes for some, made for simple pleasures for me.

The Man has been into lawnmower racing. Without the racing. So far he is just REALLY into junk lawnmowers that he, and a couple friends, are trying to make into something much more supreme than a junk lawnmower.

For me, this is a little trying, since all the "junk" "treasures land up in an area of the yard I thought I had deemed as "mine." And they also end up right outside the back door.

But I have held back from ranting and squaking much about. I have learned alot along this parenting path, and one thing is, this season will soon be over too, so enjoy his deep interest in something and all the little lessons he is learning along the way.

The other day, they were working and welding and tinkering until they got the lawnmower running. Then it all shifted to another part of the yard.

Back in the corner it is wild.

 An old Mayhaw tree that never produces mayhaws. Scrub oaks and trash trees that seem impossible to keep up with.

A week earlier, The Man and his friend spent the afternoon clearing out part of that section. When the tinkering and thinking changed to the sound of the motor, they were found back in this corner. This was weeds and scrub oaks and such a week earlier.

Add a flowing hose and some teenage boys and you now have lawnmower bogging...

Except for the occasional text . . .ugh

(Now, to be sure, the lawnmower WAS shared with the gentleman watering the mud hole. That picture happens to be on The Man's phone and he happens to be at a pool party. :))

I left them to their mud.  It seems when the pickup truck was taken back, to test the four wheel drive, the fun ended. And the 4-wheel drive did not work. While I have very little belief in the chance that that lawnmower will EVER make racing status. It sure has kept those hands from getting too idol.

Nothing like simple muddy fun. Glad to have these wonderful moments...


1 comment:

Michelle said...

This looks like a good time for the boys!