Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Washington could not lie...

I was just thinking the other day, “why can’t I blog anymore?? Where have the words gone??” Then life hands me a moment.

Words about honesty….

The Man is participating in his second season of Cross Country. He has complained less about aches and pains  this year and has seemed more eager to get to practice.

On a personal note here: working in an office again and his cross country practice is a bit tiresome. No coming home and just settling in in the evening. I know, blah, blah, blah, me and at least half the other moms of America. {{wink wink}}.

I have noticed this year, more practices running later than normal. More corporal punishment because of folks cheating ( cutting off some of the turns on the course). More talking when the coach has asked for silence of voices and for ears to hear.

Saturday, I followed the bus to an invitational in Bainbridge, GA. I like this course. It winds through a Christmas tree farm that is home to a few peacocks and a pumpkin patch. And a few hills on the road that the runners are not fond of.

After The Man finished running, instead of riding the bus home, he drove me back home.

Last night at church, The Man heard from a friend, who is also on the school team, that there had been discussion of cutting on the practice track again Friday. This time The Man had been named as the culprit. The Man was quite undone when he came home from church, worrying about this. Worring about being kicked off the team.

I asked, “did you cut on Friday?” He said no. He said no without any of the tell tale signs of a story. No sheepish grin, no antsy behavior (which intensifies with him when a story is being told). So yes, I believed him.

This afternoon, we are at home and I asked if he had a chance to speak to the coach. He said he had and the coach said that he could stay on the team, and would need to run Thursday at the next meet, but could not wear his uniform.

I was confused, why the punishment? So I asked again about cutting on the practice run. He said he didn't, but the coach also asked him if he had EVER cut in practice.  He told him he had cut before. So, while team members in the past, who have cut, have been punished at practice, with everyone, the coach is tired and implemented a new punishment. The Man will not run as a team member for the next two races at least.

Two different times that The Man  was on a fence, what decision to make.

The first: Tired and sore; to cut or not.
He chose wrong. He did not do right.
No one saw, and if he had been caught, the punishment at that time would have been extra laps.

The second: A direct question about a past decision; to lie or not lie.
He chose the right. He told the truth.
His punishment is more severe at this time. His punishment won't be bundled in with any other team members that chose wrong. His punishment will be one he will have to answer to again: "why are you out of uniform?"

While I am disappointed in his first decision, I am proud of his second decision, even if my heart hurts a little for him.

The post title?
I am different from Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't. ~Mark Twain

The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable. --Jim Davis
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. --George Orwell

I hope The Man will always, in the future, choose the revolutionary act ...


Debbie said...

What a stand up and cheer post! I loved it. I guess it meant even more to me, having been a cross country mom through 7 years and two runners.

Cross country runners know all about going the distance. They know that a stumble at the beginning doesn't have to ruin the whole race.

Clearly, your son "gets" that. He tripped... he got up... and he is running like a champion, punishment or no punishment. You should be so proud.

And those quotes were WONDERFUL!

Chatty Crone said...

I am from Georgia too - where are you located?

And I know Debbie!

So about your post - I think kids think at times - that if they are not asked directly the exact question - that they are answering correctly - lol. It is the little thing about the sin of omission!

Glad to hear from you.

FrouFrouBritches said...

Oh, I love this post. I know you are so proud that he chose to tell the truth! Yes, he made a mistake, but he owned up to it. We all make mistakes, but not being afraid to tell the truth about it is what sets him apart. You should be so proud!!!!

Finding Pam said...

I am so happy for your son to tell the truth even if it is a past mistake. A man is only as good as his word. Your son choose to do the right thing.

While many think no one will notice, for me I know that God notices. I want to do the right thing in His eyes.

You have to watch out for those peacocks. They attack, and make terrible sounds. LOL!

Glad to see your post. I know just how you feel. Goint through the same thing myself about writing.

FancyHorse said...

Good for The Man! He's a true winner, in what counts! (and so is his mom!)